Saturday, February 29, 2020

New Shoes: Brooks Glycerine 18

With a strong first two months of the year behind me and plans for marathon training about to begin, the time has come for new shoes. I wanted to get another pair of the Brooks Glycerine 17's I've been training in the last year or so. But, as usual, they are being phased out for the next edition of the line.

So, the Brooks Glycerine 18 it is.

As usual, the folks at Fort Worth Running Company gave me a good rundown of the shoe. Basically, this edition isn't a wholesale rebuild so it's very similar to the version prior. They feel basically the same although I need to put a few dozen miles on them to really get a feel for how they run.

I'll probably keep the old pair around for another month or so for long runs but, by the end of training, I should have phased them out completely.