Sunday, February 23, 2020

Long Run

Distance: 8.21
Time: 1:25:12
Pace: 10:23 min/mi

Comments: The plan was to put in a four miler on Saturday and a six-miler today. Got busy yesterday so, instead, I got three days of rest. With the half-marathon one week away, I'll count it as part of the taper.

I didn't want to put in a really long run with the race so close and eight miles seemed to be a reasonable distance. I changed the route slightly to ensure I got that late uphill to prepare for the Mile 9 nightmare in Fort Worth.

Kept the whole thing slow and steady. The cadence was strong but I kept the speed down on purpose. The result was almost the whole thing in Zone 3 and zero in Zone 5. Exactly my plan.


Hour: 9:00 a.m.
Surface: concrete/asphalt
Weather: overcast
Temperature: 48 degrees
Humidity: 88 percent
Wind: calm
Location: Dallas, Texas
Shoes: Brooks Glycerin 17

Injury update: nada