Friday, July 27, 2007

Training Run

Time: 45 min
Distance: 8 kilometers

Comments: A wet, chilly, miserable day. And, of course, as hard as it was to get out the door, the run was just as rewarding. I felt very strong the whole way, unlike the last effort, and focused on form pretty much throughout. I moved this run back a day because I was irritable and cranky all day yesterday. I think part of the problem was that I was overtired. I slept a solid ten hours last night and felt a lot more refreshed this morning.An interesting little achievement today - I broke 100 miles for this month. I should have done this in May but it's nice to be back on track at long last.


Hour: 10 a.m.
Surface: concrete/asphalt
Warm-up: 1 km run/stretching
Weather: misty/rainy
Temperature: 60 degrees
Humidity: 97 percent
Wind: calm
Location: Miraflores, Peru
Shoes: Brooks Tran,ce
Con Musica