Sunday, August 26, 2007

Marathon Training Summary: Week 14

Time: 7 hours 15 min
Distance: 72 kilometers (45 miles)

Comments: Loooong tough miles. I knew I had to put in the distance this week after the abbreviated effort the week prior and the impending race. The result was an exhaustive effort during a high-pressure period work wise. Needless to say, I'm sleeping VERY hard. The soreness and tired feeling has been constant all week but it never reached a point of pain or injury. So I kept steadily at it through the long-run. Lot of strange obstacles though, a Peruvian chased me down and tried to beat me up and twice I was attacked by dogs. In the case of the former I just walked away from the idiot in the latter, I was able to scare them off by throwing rocks. In any case, I'm ready to get out of this country for awhile.

Injury update: I am very very sore but nothing of the level of ""injury."" I felt the ominous stiffness in a few of the usual places once or twice in all the miles I, put in but never any twinge

One month till raceday... oohhhh, I can almost <i>taste</i> it now. But this week is the tough slog before the taper. I put in a ton of miles last week and I need to do that and <i>just a little bit more</i> this week.The goal this week is to pretty much do exactly the same as last week but add a bit more than a mile to the long run on Sunday - tack on fifteen minutes to be exact. The biggest difference in the approach is I feel completely ready to bail on the plan at the first hint of pain. I've gotten my one big run in, a second is cream, not a necessity.Because, as much as I am focused on the Sept. 23 race date, I have to keep my long-term goal in mind as well.