Thursday, August 30, 2007

Training Run

Time: 55 min
Distance: 10 kilometers

Comments: This is clearly survival week. I'm getting out there and getting the miles in but they are not very pretty. And the aftermath is brutal. A three-hour nap yesterday. So I hit the beach today with no intention of any type of major pace and eschewing all hills and hard surfaces. Just jog the bastard. That said, I actually had enough 'umph' to crank out a halfway decent pace for most of the thing.Tomorrow is a 45 minute effort then a day off and the Sunday long run of doom. I think I can do it but, as I said to start the week, if I have to cash it in, I should still be OK to start the taper.

Hour: 8 a.m.
Surface: concrete
Warm-up: none
Weather: overcast/misty
Temperature: 57 degrees
Humidity: 96 percent
Wind: calm
Location: Miraflores, Peru
Shoes: Brooks Trance
Con Musica