Sunday, August 26, 2007

Long Run

Time: 3 hours 15 minutes
Distance: 32 kilometers

Comments: A brutal effort that really tested my ability to keep going. There wasn't anything very fancy about the effort, it was a matter of gritting my teeth and holding on to the finish. It wasn't that the run was particularly bad - in fact, I felt relatively strong and in control most of the way - but it was a lot of miles on top of a big mileage week.During the run I got passed a few times by other runners. I had to keep myself in control and maintain my pace. It was particularly difficult with one about an hour in - but I knew if I went out too hard at that point, I would suffer later. This, I think, is the key to this marathon - run my race and don't be swept up in it all. This, is good pre-race effort