Sunday, July 29, 2018

Marathon Training Summary: Week 5

Distance: 31.43 miles
Time: 5:27:16
Pace: 10:25 min/mi

Comments: Oddball week due to travel and weekend plans. I ended up taking an extra rest day and moving my long run up to Friday. The result was a slightly shorter distance week despite the longest long run thus far (and my weekly pace took a hit as well).

The 15 mile long run was extraordinarily slow but that's on purpose. I was only concentrating on the distance. Right now the priority is putting in a 2.5 hour plus effort. I'll worry about getting faster later on in the training program. Maybe.

I've been going pretty hard since the start of July so it is time for an "easy" week to recover a bit. I'll probably reduce next week's planned mileage a bit to help with that effort. I've been pretty lucky thus far in terms of injury. There's no need to tempt fate this early in the game.