Sunday, July 8, 2018

Marathon Training Summary: Week 2

Distance: 31:31 miles
Time: 4:46:38
Pace: 9:09 min/mi

Comments: The second week of marathon training is in the books and I'm pretty pleased with the progress. The week started with a clumsy 10K effort but I regrouped and put in some quality running after that. I finally feel like I am back in control of my running again.

The goals this week were to get a clearer idea of pacing times, put in consecutive runs and crank up the mileage to prepare for the training plan workload. The bungled 10K left the first one up in the air but I feel pretty strong about the second two.

As for the week, I had a 20% increase in overall mileage but felt strong through all of the workouts. My overall weekly pace dropped considerably as well. I don't think this is because I am suddenly faster, just finally strong enough to start to show the consistency I need for this training effort.

Since my training was pretty aggressive this week, I will probably dial the intensity back a bit next week. I still want the miles but recovery and training runs will be just that, no creeping up into the race pace range like I did this week.