Sunday, October 8, 2006

Marathon Training Summary: Week 2

Distance: 37.27 miles
Time: 5 hours 5 minutes

Comments: The final full week of running here in Lima. In one sense I'm ready to get out of here and into the formal training mode in Arizona but, on the other hand, I've come a long way since February and have my routine here down pat.

Given my desire to do one last run along the whole beach route I pushed my weekly mileage up a bit further than probably was wise - almost to the mark I did last week.

But I should be OK. The interrupted week coming up will force that number down and it will give me an extra rest day. Flying back to the US might be a pain these days, but it does keep you off your feet.

This promises to be a 'recovery' week due to my return to the states late in the week. It is probably for the better because I have been pushing pretty hard mileage-wise the past few weeks. Although I feel pretty good, I don't want to overdo it or create a problem that will show up full-flower in week five or so.

Another concern I have for the upcoming week with the transpositioning of my training location is altitude. For the past eight months I have been doing my workouts at sea level with relatively high humidity. That's about to change to about 1,240 feet (378 meters) and minimal humidity.

It's not so much that I don't think I can make the transition, but it is sufficent enough to give me pause due to the intensity of my training.

So I plan on shorter runs this week - although I will keep my regular track workout - and a less intense long run on the weekend. I'll evaluate it all next Monday and see where I stand.