Sunday, July 22, 2018

Marathon Training Summary: Week 4

Distance: 35.2 miles
Time: 5:25:55
Pace: 9:16 min/mi

Comments: Stacked six runs in a row this week for the first time. I wasn't sure if the lack of rest days in the week would leave me fatigued to the point of exhaustion but it actually worked out pretty well. The upshot was a weekly max for mileage and time running while still keeping my tempo in the right range.

The big event this week was finally registering for the Hartford Marathon in October as well as the Walt Disney World Marathon in January. I made a spur-of-the-moment decision to add the half marathon to the latter and go for the "Goofy." Not the smartest thing I've ever done.

In terms of training it doesn't change much for now. The strategy is to stay on track for the October race and, after that, look at what needs to be done for the January races. One big factor for my going all-in for WDW is the fact I don't feel compelled to go for a record time in either of them. It's a matter of just getting the miles.