Sunday, September 9, 2018

Marathon Training Summary: Week 11

Distance: 43.65 miles
Time: 6:52:52
Pace: 9:27 min/mi

Comments: I finally got back on track and put in a full six days including the speed work, the pace work and the long run. I also moved this week and averaged about 30 floors worth of steps over the course of four days. My quads were really sore after that, but, perhaps that helped overall conditioning.

The long run went much better than my previous 'big push' for longer miles. Part of that is just getting stronger but the weather helped quite a bit too. I'm hoping even more favorable temperatures will push me over the edge to achieve my goals in the race next month.

For these last few weeks I really have to stay focused and crank out the proscribed workouts. Eating and sleeping well need to be prioritized also.

Injury update: A few aches with all the additional mileage but nothing alarming.