Sunday, September 23, 2018

Marathon Training Summary: Week 13

Distance: 43:43
Time: 7:03:48
Pace: 9:45 min/mi

Comments: That's it for peak week. At the end of it, peak week turned out slightly shorter than week before last. But when you compare 20 mile long runs, I had a far better performance this week. Not just faster but much more in control the whole way. That's partly due to more agreeable temperatures but it's also a bit of training.

Now beginith the taper. Next week will be a lot like the week before last. Biggest difference is a longer pace run on Saturday before a more reasonable long run next Sunday. I might add an extra off day depending on how I feel.

Injury update: My right knee, quad and IT band have been achy this week. Nothing major but sore and unhappy. If it keeps up into next week I'll start regular icing.