Sunday, November 26, 2006

Marathon Training Summary: Week 9

Distance: 22 miles
Time: 2 hours 49 minutes

Comments: I woke up this morning with every intention of putting in the 18-mile long run and it quickly became apparent that was not gonna happen. I was feeling completely exhausted and my desire to undertake the substantial effort was undercut by that.

I ended up going back to bed for an hour and woke up feeling just as tired. Throughout the day I was completely zapped and an afternoon nap did little to resolve it. Although I really wanted to get back on track mileage-wise, it just didn't make sense to push through this since the only logical reason for it would have to be overtraining.

So it turns into another sub-par week and a slab of meaty anxiety for my ability to be properly prepared for this race. Ugh.

One month to go. Well, four weeks, to be exact. The toughest week of the training still remains, though.