Sunday, August 12, 2018

Marathon Training Summary: Week 7

Distance: 37.56
Time: 5:40:15
Pace: 9:04 min/mi

Comments: This was the first full week of work in two weeks, really. Last week was a recovery week and the week before that was abbreviated due to travel. I really wanted to get a solid effort the whole week and feel pretty good about that.

The Tuesday recovery run sucked but I rebounded for a strong interval workout and a series of very good training runs. The tempo run was faster than I expected but, upon review, in line with the one I did the week prior. The long run was substantially better than my last time at the distance almost two weeks ago.

Next week is going to be almost exactly the same with a slightly longer tempo and long run. I'm hoping for similar consistency.

Injury update: My quads have been sore since the interval effort but not in a particularly bad way. The balls of my feet were not happy at the end of the long run but that could be from using the shoes two days running.