Monday, December 31, 2018
Tuesday, December 25, 2018
Training Run
Distance: 6 miles
Time: 57:19
Pace: 9:33 min/mi
Comments: Christmas Day run. It was damn cold this morning but a ton of sun made it feel a lot warmer by mid-morning. So, what the hell. I put my hat and gloves and decided to get it done.
It was not a lot of fun the first couple miles but my legs felt warm enough so I kept it moving. When I got really warmed up I felt good enough to tack on an extra two miles onto the effort. There were a few problematic hills after that but I just focused on cadence and cranked them out.
Time: 57:19
Pace: 9:33 min/mi
Comments: Christmas Day run. It was damn cold this morning but a ton of sun made it feel a lot warmer by mid-morning. So, what the hell. I put my hat and gloves and decided to get it done.
It was not a lot of fun the first couple miles but my legs felt warm enough so I kept it moving. When I got really warmed up I felt good enough to tack on an extra two miles onto the effort. There were a few problematic hills after that but I just focused on cadence and cranked them out.
Sunday, December 23, 2018
Training Run
Distance: 8 miles
Time: 1:18:43
Pace: 9:50 min/mi
Comments: The intention of doing 12 miles was well enough but didn't come to pass. I think I could have done it well enough but the route I was on really had me anxious. It was a tight winding road with cars going way too fast. I got four miles out and decided I had taken enough chances for one day and turned around.
I felt pretty good actually. Ran a little fast due to the temperature and anxiety about traffic though and you could tell by the heart rate measure. Still, my legs felt good even with the six miles yesterday.
Time: 1:18:43
Pace: 9:50 min/mi
Comments: The intention of doing 12 miles was well enough but didn't come to pass. I think I could have done it well enough but the route I was on really had me anxious. It was a tight winding road with cars going way too fast. I got four miles out and decided I had taken enough chances for one day and turned around.
I felt pretty good actually. Ran a little fast due to the temperature and anxiety about traffic though and you could tell by the heart rate measure. Still, my legs felt good even with the six miles yesterday.
Saturday, December 22, 2018
Training Run
Distance: 6 miles
Time: 56:02
Pace: 9:19 min/mi
Comments: Travel and family commitments made a run yesterday impossible. That worked out since the weather was wet and miserable. Today was a bit cooler but no rain. So, I got a bunch of stuff done this morning but then out the door before noon.
This run went pretty food but the wind picked up a lot over the course of it. The stretch along the coastline was beautiful but not pleasant at all. Still, I got through it alright, if a little on the fast side.
Time: 56:02
Pace: 9:19 min/mi
Comments: Travel and family commitments made a run yesterday impossible. That worked out since the weather was wet and miserable. Today was a bit cooler but no rain. So, I got a bunch of stuff done this morning but then out the door before noon.
This run went pretty food but the wind picked up a lot over the course of it. The stretch along the coastline was beautiful but not pleasant at all. Still, I got through it alright, if a little on the fast side.
Thursday, December 20, 2018
Training Run
Distance: 4 miles
Time: 40:09
Pace: 10:01 min/mi
Comments: Actually got up and out the door for an early-morning effort today. The hope is this can be the routine going forward. It's not crazy cold or anything so that helped.
Not a special effort by any means. I stopped to try and get a photo or two of the Christmas lights and my GPS went wonky on the last mile. The recorded route was way off and I have no idea if the time is accurate either.
Whatever, I got my four miles.
Time: 40:09
Pace: 10:01 min/mi
Comments: Actually got up and out the door for an early-morning effort today. The hope is this can be the routine going forward. It's not crazy cold or anything so that helped.
Not a special effort by any means. I stopped to try and get a photo or two of the Christmas lights and my GPS went wonky on the last mile. The recorded route was way off and I have no idea if the time is accurate either.
Whatever, I got my four miles.
Posted by
C.J. Schexnayder
Training Run
Wednesday, December 19, 2018
Training Run
Distance: 4 miles
Time: 38:48
Pace: 9:41 min/mi
Comments: Consistency is not the hallmark of this training effort. I'm going to be running these races next month on sheer guts alone. Which will be a bit of an adventure to say the least.
I need to put in at least one solid week of runs with a long run of a reasonable distance. So that's the goal. I'm already behind since it's Wednesday and traveleing to Connecticut is going to mess with things as well.
But, I got today's run in and it didn't suck. So there's that.
Time: 38:48
Pace: 9:41 min/mi
Comments: Consistency is not the hallmark of this training effort. I'm going to be running these races next month on sheer guts alone. Which will be a bit of an adventure to say the least.
I need to put in at least one solid week of runs with a long run of a reasonable distance. So that's the goal. I'm already behind since it's Wednesday and traveleing to Connecticut is going to mess with things as well.
But, I got today's run in and it didn't suck. So there's that.
Posted by
C.J. Schexnayder
Training Run
Thursday, December 13, 2018
Training Run
Distance: 4 miles
Time: 40:50
Pace: 10:12 min/mi
Comments: This was a warm muggy effort. There's a cold front scheduled to move through in a couple hours that will drop temperatures and bring a ton of wind. Snow is possible. So I figured getting this one in when it was still warm would be best.
Nothing fancy here. The most important note is that none of the aches I was concerned about from the race on Sunday are still hanging around. There is still a little soreness in my quads but that's about it.
Time: 40:50
Pace: 10:12 min/mi
Comments: This was a warm muggy effort. There's a cold front scheduled to move through in a couple hours that will drop temperatures and bring a ton of wind. Snow is possible. So I figured getting this one in when it was still warm would be best.
Nothing fancy here. The most important note is that none of the aches I was concerned about from the race on Sunday are still hanging around. There is still a little soreness in my quads but that's about it.
Posted by
C.J. Schexnayder
Training Run
Tuesday, December 11, 2018
Training Run
Distance: 4 miles
Time: 41:05
Pace: 10:15 min/mi
Comments: I was pretty sore the day after the race but it certainly wasn't as awful as I was fearing it might be. By the end of the day I was getting around pretty well. I felt a bit stiff this morning but nothing that really impeded my run.
The one thing I'm really needing to focus on as we enter the last phase of training for these January races is slowing the hell down. I did great with that in the first half of the race. Now I need to do it consistently through training.
Today I started out a bit on the fast side but deliberately focused on keeping it in check the rest of the way. My last mile was about a minute slower than the first (mainly downhill) one. That feels weird but it's what I need to keep doing.
Time: 41:05
Pace: 10:15 min/mi
Comments: I was pretty sore the day after the race but it certainly wasn't as awful as I was fearing it might be. By the end of the day I was getting around pretty well. I felt a bit stiff this morning but nothing that really impeded my run.
The one thing I'm really needing to focus on as we enter the last phase of training for these January races is slowing the hell down. I did great with that in the first half of the race. Now I need to do it consistently through training.
Today I started out a bit on the fast side but deliberately focused on keeping it in check the rest of the way. My last mile was about a minute slower than the first (mainly downhill) one. That feels weird but it's what I need to keep doing.
Posted by
C.J. Schexnayder
Marathon Training
Monday, December 10, 2018
Dallas Half Marathon
Distance: 13.1 miles
Chip Time: 1:59:50
Gun Time: 2:30:38
Pace: 9:09 min/mi
Comments: I signed onto this one mostly as a barometer for my training for the races in January. I have been spotty to negligent in getting out there and getting runs in since Hartford and this was a chance to see how much trouble I am in for when I get to Walt Disney World.
The expectations for the race were, understandably, low. I planned to run this overslow and without any real time or pace goal. Just take what the course gave me and see how my legs felt. And if things went well, maybe put a little mustard on the last few miles.
To start, it was cold. Right above freezing. I did what I could to stay in warm areas until the start and then screwed up by getting cut off from my corral when they actually did start. I tried to loop back around but was told I'd have to get into the last corral instead. Wonderful.
So I ended up running this whole race in a crowd. It was a mess to get started but never really thinned out like I am used to. I guess that's fine. It helped me keep the pace down at the start. But it's not what I am used to.
The first 10K was almost entirely uphill. I just tried to roll along and keep up the cadence while not overdoing it on exertion. It took a good three miles to warm up where it wasn't uncomfortable and at the halfway point I took off the hat and gloves. I took a bathroom break after that which took awhile due to the lines but though it would be no big deal.
Since I was going downhill after that, I started upping the pace a little. Mostly trying to ride the descents somewhat. They had speakers set up along the course at spots and when I hit the long straight shot at Gaston Avenue, Prince's "Let's Go Crazy" came on. Time to crush some fools.
I really opened it up and was just cruising along. It felt good to just run for once. I had to slow down for the turns in the course but on the last couple miles into downtown, I decided to keep the effort up and see how it felt.
I passed one dude and, moments later heading past the final turn, he passed me back. Not today, son. I opened it completely up for the last 200 meters or so and hit the finish line full speed. It was really nice to have that kind of juice at the end of a race for once.
Chip Time: 1:59:50
Gun Time: 2:30:38
Pace: 9:09 min/mi
Comments: I signed onto this one mostly as a barometer for my training for the races in January. I have been spotty to negligent in getting out there and getting runs in since Hartford and this was a chance to see how much trouble I am in for when I get to Walt Disney World.
The expectations for the race were, understandably, low. I planned to run this overslow and without any real time or pace goal. Just take what the course gave me and see how my legs felt. And if things went well, maybe put a little mustard on the last few miles.
To start, it was cold. Right above freezing. I did what I could to stay in warm areas until the start and then screwed up by getting cut off from my corral when they actually did start. I tried to loop back around but was told I'd have to get into the last corral instead. Wonderful.
So I ended up running this whole race in a crowd. It was a mess to get started but never really thinned out like I am used to. I guess that's fine. It helped me keep the pace down at the start. But it's not what I am used to.
The first 10K was almost entirely uphill. I just tried to roll along and keep up the cadence while not overdoing it on exertion. It took a good three miles to warm up where it wasn't uncomfortable and at the halfway point I took off the hat and gloves. I took a bathroom break after that which took awhile due to the lines but though it would be no big deal.
Since I was going downhill after that, I started upping the pace a little. Mostly trying to ride the descents somewhat. They had speakers set up along the course at spots and when I hit the long straight shot at Gaston Avenue, Prince's "Let's Go Crazy" came on. Time to crush some fools.
I really opened it up and was just cruising along. It felt good to just run for once. I had to slow down for the turns in the course but on the last couple miles into downtown, I decided to keep the effort up and see how it felt.
I passed one dude and, moments later heading past the final turn, he passed me back. Not today, son. I opened it completely up for the last 200 meters or so and hit the finish line full speed. It was really nice to have that kind of juice at the end of a race for once.
Tuesday, December 4, 2018
Training Run
Distance: 4 miles
Time: 37:52
Pace: 9:27 min/mi
Comments: Didn't get out until later in the afternoon. It was pretty cold early, dropping near freezing, and still pretty chilly for the warmest point of the day. It's looking like mid-30s for the race this weekend so I might need to do a run or two in this crap at some point.
This one went pretty well otherwise. I thought I was slowing down some but still ended up with my 9:30 pace overall. Given my lackadaisical training, that will be a problem come raceday if I don't get it addressed.
Time: 37:52
Pace: 9:27 min/mi
Comments: Didn't get out until later in the afternoon. It was pretty cold early, dropping near freezing, and still pretty chilly for the warmest point of the day. It's looking like mid-30s for the race this weekend so I might need to do a run or two in this crap at some point.
This one went pretty well otherwise. I thought I was slowing down some but still ended up with my 9:30 pace overall. Given my lackadaisical training, that will be a problem come raceday if I don't get it addressed.
Sunday, December 2, 2018
Training Run
Distance: 2 miles
Time: 20:23
Pace: 10:07 min/mi
Comments: Welp. It's race week. I'm hardly ready and there really isn't anything I can do at this point to prepare better. The goal then is to put in some good miles and run it slightly fatigued; treating it as a training effort for January.
I ended up deciding on a short run this morning and I'll try to get something long-ish in tomorrow. I actually was working on slowing it down today and did alright at it. I probably need to drop the pace even more, to be honest.
Time: 20:23
Pace: 10:07 min/mi
Comments: Welp. It's race week. I'm hardly ready and there really isn't anything I can do at this point to prepare better. The goal then is to put in some good miles and run it slightly fatigued; treating it as a training effort for January.
I ended up deciding on a short run this morning and I'll try to get something long-ish in tomorrow. I actually was working on slowing it down today and did alright at it. I probably need to drop the pace even more, to be honest.
Posted by
C.J. Schexnayder
Training Run
Thursday, November 29, 2018
Training Run
Distance: 4 miles
Time: 38:32
Pace: 9:37 min/mi
Comments: After the sadness of yesterdays pathetic effort, this was a bit of an improvement. My initial intention was to crank out eight miles but, getting into it, I realized I was just punishing myself for the bad run yesterday. That doesn't do any good.
So I stuck with the regular four miles and tried to keep things consistent and even. This new route has a bit more uphill so my pacing and cadence are pretty erratic. But the heart rate is keeping out of the maximum zone despite the challenges so I think that's getting it done for now.
Time: 38:32
Pace: 9:37 min/mi
Comments: After the sadness of yesterdays pathetic effort, this was a bit of an improvement. My initial intention was to crank out eight miles but, getting into it, I realized I was just punishing myself for the bad run yesterday. That doesn't do any good.
So I stuck with the regular four miles and tried to keep things consistent and even. This new route has a bit more uphill so my pacing and cadence are pretty erratic. But the heart rate is keeping out of the maximum zone despite the challenges so I think that's getting it done for now.
Posted by
C.J. Schexnayder
Training Run
Wednesday, November 28, 2018
Saturday, November 24, 2018
Training Run
Distance: 6 miles
Time: 59:35
Pace: 9:55 min/mi
Comments: Alright, finally back on the weekend training train. After going back and forth on where to do this, I decided to just go around the neighborhood and find a new route. Which worked out pretty good, except for the damned hills.
I worked on keeping a pretty constant effort rather than cadence, or pace or anything else. I wanted to run the whole thing comfortably even with all the uphill portions. That worked pretty well as my heart rate wasn't in the highest zone except for about 10% of the run, but all the rest of my metrics were all over the map.
Time: 59:35
Pace: 9:55 min/mi
Comments: Alright, finally back on the weekend training train. After going back and forth on where to do this, I decided to just go around the neighborhood and find a new route. Which worked out pretty good, except for the damned hills.
I worked on keeping a pretty constant effort rather than cadence, or pace or anything else. I wanted to run the whole thing comfortably even with all the uphill portions. That worked pretty well as my heart rate wasn't in the highest zone except for about 10% of the run, but all the rest of my metrics were all over the map.
Posted by
C.J. Schexnayder
Training Run
Thursday, November 22, 2018
Training Run
Distance: 4 miles
Time: 39:45
Pace: 9:55 min/mi
Comments: After another busy morning in the kitchen, I got out the door and did the run. Since it is Thanksgiving Day there were few cars but lots of other runners. I guess they were taking advantage of not having to do their runs before/after work.
I wasn't really enthusiastic about this effort and kind of wanted to get it done with. I kept it a little slower and tried to keep on top of my overall exertion. My heart rate wasn't as high as during yesterday's run so I guess I took care of that well enough.
Time: 39:45
Pace: 9:55 min/mi
Comments: After another busy morning in the kitchen, I got out the door and did the run. Since it is Thanksgiving Day there were few cars but lots of other runners. I guess they were taking advantage of not having to do their runs before/after work.
I wasn't really enthusiastic about this effort and kind of wanted to get it done with. I kept it a little slower and tried to keep on top of my overall exertion. My heart rate wasn't as high as during yesterday's run so I guess I took care of that well enough.
Wednesday, November 21, 2018
Training Run
Distance: 6 miles
Time: 57:21
Pace: 9:32 min/mi
Comments: OK. Got an hour-long run in. I had to wait until early afternoon, though. The temperatures were cool but not cold and the humidity was reasonable. So it was about ideal in terms of conditions.
I tried to slow it down some but slipped into that 9:30-ish pace I got used to over the summer. I guess with the improved weather, this is what an easier run is like now. Still, a heck of a lot of this was in a higher range heart rate so I was putting in work.
Time: 57:21
Pace: 9:32 min/mi
Comments: OK. Got an hour-long run in. I had to wait until early afternoon, though. The temperatures were cool but not cold and the humidity was reasonable. So it was about ideal in terms of conditions.
I tried to slow it down some but slipped into that 9:30-ish pace I got used to over the summer. I guess with the improved weather, this is what an easier run is like now. Still, a heck of a lot of this was in a higher range heart rate so I was putting in work.
Monday, November 19, 2018
Training Run
Distance: 4 miles
Time: 38:27
Pace: 9:36 min/mi
Comments: And another unplanned layoff. I'd like to blame weather and other commitments but the fact is I am really not motivated like I should be. Maybe it's the ridiculous amount of miles I've done this year. Whatever it is, I need to get it sorted fast because January is getting closer.
This was a plain regular run. I tried to keep from going over fast but not deliberately slow like I did the last one. It worked pretty well. The weather really cooperated and I felt good the whole way. Now, lets get tomorrow's run in the books as well.
Time: 38:27
Pace: 9:36 min/mi
Comments: And another unplanned layoff. I'd like to blame weather and other commitments but the fact is I am really not motivated like I should be. Maybe it's the ridiculous amount of miles I've done this year. Whatever it is, I need to get it sorted fast because January is getting closer.
This was a plain regular run. I tried to keep from going over fast but not deliberately slow like I did the last one. It worked pretty well. The weather really cooperated and I felt good the whole way. Now, lets get tomorrow's run in the books as well.
Friday, November 16, 2018
Training Run
Distance: 4 miles
Time: 41:14
Pace: 10:18 min/mi
Comments: Actually stuck to the plan today! I was super busy this morning due to cooking projects but got out the door at noon. It was a little bit warmer but not unpleasant at all. The lower humidity is really delightful.
I decided that my recent runs have been way too damn fast. I'm going to have to run the WDW half marathon at a slower pace than normal so I need to get some solid miles closer to that. So this was an effort at meeting that.
It was kind of nice to not have the pedal down for once but, as I've noticed before, the reduced pace can be a challenging effort itself.
Time: 41:14
Pace: 10:18 min/mi
Comments: Actually stuck to the plan today! I was super busy this morning due to cooking projects but got out the door at noon. It was a little bit warmer but not unpleasant at all. The lower humidity is really delightful.
I decided that my recent runs have been way too damn fast. I'm going to have to run the WDW half marathon at a slower pace than normal so I need to get some solid miles closer to that. So this was an effort at meeting that.
It was kind of nice to not have the pedal down for once but, as I've noticed before, the reduced pace can be a challenging effort itself.
Thursday, November 15, 2018
Training Run
Distance: 4 miles
Time: 36:38
Pace: 9:08 min/mi
Comments: Another unplanned rest day but then I got out there to get the work done today. It was damned cold yesterday and decidedly chilly this morning. But by early afternoon the weather was delightful.
I am pretty busy today so instead of easing into this one, I blasted it out like the last one. Very high cadence and strong effort throughout. The hills sucked a bit more than usual but probably because I was going too damn fast.
The plan is to run through the rest of the week. We'll see if I can stick to it.
Time: 36:38
Pace: 9:08 min/mi
Comments: Another unplanned rest day but then I got out there to get the work done today. It was damned cold yesterday and decidedly chilly this morning. But by early afternoon the weather was delightful.
I am pretty busy today so instead of easing into this one, I blasted it out like the last one. Very high cadence and strong effort throughout. The hills sucked a bit more than usual but probably because I was going too damn fast.
The plan is to run through the rest of the week. We'll see if I can stick to it.
Tuesday, November 13, 2018
Training Run
Distance: 4 miles
Time: 35:36
Pace: 8:53 min/mi
Comments: I forgot how much I hate running in the cold. It got damn chilly this weekend with a full day of rain on Sunday. So I got slack and skipped a ton of runs again. I'm really gonna pay for all this in January.
It was literally freezing this morning so I put off the run till it was somewhat warmer. But balmy was not in the cards today. As a result I probably ran this way too fast. That was partly to warm up and partly to get the damned thing over with.
Time: 35:36
Pace: 8:53 min/mi
Comments: I forgot how much I hate running in the cold. It got damn chilly this weekend with a full day of rain on Sunday. So I got slack and skipped a ton of runs again. I'm really gonna pay for all this in January.
It was literally freezing this morning so I put off the run till it was somewhat warmer. But balmy was not in the cards today. As a result I probably ran this way too fast. That was partly to warm up and partly to get the damned thing over with.
Thursday, November 8, 2018
Training Run
Distance: 6 miles
Time: 53:35
Pace: 8:55 min/mi
Comments: Finally got my shit together and back over to the regular running location. While there has been some rain this week, I didn't think it would be an issue but, it turned out, part of my regular route was flooded. I was able to get around it but it is something to keep in mind this week.
With cool temps and level course I really struggled to keep the pace down. The sub-9 minute average was LOTS faster than I really should have run this. But I felt pretty strong the whole way and didn't have any major issues.
Not sure if I will do the four miler tomorrow or skip it and double up this weekend. A lot will depend on the weather.
Time: 53:35
Pace: 8:55 min/mi
Comments: Finally got my shit together and back over to the regular running location. While there has been some rain this week, I didn't think it would be an issue but, it turned out, part of my regular route was flooded. I was able to get around it but it is something to keep in mind this week.
With cool temps and level course I really struggled to keep the pace down. The sub-9 minute average was LOTS faster than I really should have run this. But I felt pretty strong the whole way and didn't have any major issues.
Not sure if I will do the four miler tomorrow or skip it and double up this weekend. A lot will depend on the weather.
Wednesday, November 7, 2018
Training Run
Distance: 4 miles
Time: 36:33
Pace: 9:07 min/mi
Comments: Still having trouble with consistency but got out the door and did the miles despite a busy morning. The temperatures are now reasonably cool throughout the day so that made things a bit easier.
I ended up doing this a hell of lot faster than I intended. I pretty much hyper-focused on cadence and keeping a strong rhythm. That translated to a marathon race pace effort.
The plan now is to do three consecutive days, take an off day and do a long run Sunday.
Time: 36:33
Pace: 9:07 min/mi
Comments: Still having trouble with consistency but got out the door and did the miles despite a busy morning. The temperatures are now reasonably cool throughout the day so that made things a bit easier.
I ended up doing this a hell of lot faster than I intended. I pretty much hyper-focused on cadence and keeping a strong rhythm. That translated to a marathon race pace effort.
The plan now is to do three consecutive days, take an off day and do a long run Sunday.
Monday, November 5, 2018
Training Run
Distance: 4 miles
Time: 36:31
Pace: 9:07 min/mi
Comments: And, once again, I slacked hard instead of getting in the miles this weekend. That's got to end now. I've only got two months to get ready for these races and I'd prefer not suffering acutely over the entire course of both of them.
Little warmer since I couldn't get out till noon. Still pretty pleasant compared to, say, a month ago. Ended up running it a bit faster than I expected as well. Not quite sure how that happened. Overall a nice effort but the goal this week is consistency.
Time: 36:31
Pace: 9:07 min/mi
Comments: And, once again, I slacked hard instead of getting in the miles this weekend. That's got to end now. I've only got two months to get ready for these races and I'd prefer not suffering acutely over the entire course of both of them.
Little warmer since I couldn't get out till noon. Still pretty pleasant compared to, say, a month ago. Ended up running it a bit faster than I expected as well. Not quite sure how that happened. Overall a nice effort but the goal this week is consistency.
Posted by
C.J. Schexnayder
Training Run
Coombs Creek Trail, Dallas, TX, USA
Saturday, November 3, 2018
Training Run
Distance: 4 miles
Time: 37.38
Pace: 9:23 min/mi
Comments: Didn't mean to take two days off but got really busy with cooking projects. The weather has been super so I'm a little upset with myself for missing the opportunity this week. It'll be damn cold soon enough.
This was a nice little effort. I made it a point to do the first mile, which is mostly downhill, at a limited pace and then upped the cadence for the rest. I had a nice rhythm and got just about the time I wanted for the effort.
The plan for tomorrow is a long run. Haven't quite decided how far or even where I will be running it.
Time: 37.38
Pace: 9:23 min/mi
Comments: Didn't mean to take two days off but got really busy with cooking projects. The weather has been super so I'm a little upset with myself for missing the opportunity this week. It'll be damn cold soon enough.
This was a nice little effort. I made it a point to do the first mile, which is mostly downhill, at a limited pace and then upped the cadence for the rest. I had a nice rhythm and got just about the time I wanted for the effort.
The plan for tomorrow is a long run. Haven't quite decided how far or even where I will be running it.
Wednesday, October 31, 2018
Training Run
Distance: 6.33 miles
Time: 1:02:54
Pace: 9:56 min/mi
Comments: Up stupid early but dealing with it since it gave me a chance to get the run in before the storms arrive. There was a little light rain at the very end of the run but that was about it. I think I've done enough running soaking wet for this month.
No big issues today. Just tried to keep it slow, steady and not burn out on the hills. The right calf seems to be fine now as well. It's been awhile since I've done a dark run in a neighborhood and I forgot how alert you have to be. Still, this was early enough there weren't too many surprises.
Time: 1:02:54
Pace: 9:56 min/mi
Comments: Up stupid early but dealing with it since it gave me a chance to get the run in before the storms arrive. There was a little light rain at the very end of the run but that was about it. I think I've done enough running soaking wet for this month.
No big issues today. Just tried to keep it slow, steady and not burn out on the hills. The right calf seems to be fine now as well. It's been awhile since I've done a dark run in a neighborhood and I forgot how alert you have to be. Still, this was early enough there weren't too many surprises.
Tuesday, October 30, 2018
Training Run
Distance: 4 miles
Time: 37:51
Pace: 9:27 min/mi
Comments: An extra day off turned into a week-long hiatus. Any number of things were responsible for each skipped workout but the honest truth is I really didn't want to run. Maybe it's the cumulative effect of constant training the last few months but I really just dreaded the idea of getting a run in.
But, I have to get ready for January so the respite is over. I got the run in, but it really wasn't anything special. I didn't have any issues, particularly the right calf soreness that persisted after the race. So, hopefully, this week of rest will have been good for my recovery.
Time: 37:51
Pace: 9:27 min/mi
Comments: An extra day off turned into a week-long hiatus. Any number of things were responsible for each skipped workout but the honest truth is I really didn't want to run. Maybe it's the cumulative effect of constant training the last few months but I really just dreaded the idea of getting a run in.
But, I have to get ready for January so the respite is over. I got the run in, but it really wasn't anything special. I didn't have any issues, particularly the right calf soreness that persisted after the race. So, hopefully, this week of rest will have been good for my recovery.
Wednesday, October 24, 2018
Training Run
Distance: 4 miles
Time: 37:47
Pace: 9:26 min/mi
Comments: I have been so enormously slack with my training since the race. Some of it I can justify as well-earned rest but some of it is simply lack of initiative. That's gotta stop now because the next race ain't that far off.
Got out a little later than I wanted today but beat the rain comfortably. This was a solid run. Really focused on cadence and probably ran it a little on the quick side as a result. It's much cooler now which makes the runs a hell of a lot less brutal. You would think that would have me itching to get on the pavement but nope.
Time: 37:47
Pace: 9:26 min/mi
Comments: I have been so enormously slack with my training since the race. Some of it I can justify as well-earned rest but some of it is simply lack of initiative. That's gotta stop now because the next race ain't that far off.
Got out a little later than I wanted today but beat the rain comfortably. This was a solid run. Really focused on cadence and probably ran it a little on the quick side as a result. It's much cooler now which makes the runs a hell of a lot less brutal. You would think that would have me itching to get on the pavement but nope.
Saturday, October 20, 2018
Training Run
Distance: 4 miles
Time: 39:48
Pace: 9:56 min/mi
Comments: Took two days off due to travel and the terrible weather. Sure, I could have put a rain run in but I think I did enough of that last weekend. It's recovery week, anyway. There's no real urgency to get any of these runs in.
Today I went pretty slow on all the uphills and the pace shows it. But, overall, I felt pretty good the whole way. My legs seem to be recovering nicely with minimal lingering issues from the race. It also helps that the temperatures have finally cooled down a bit.
Time: 39:48
Pace: 9:56 min/mi
Comments: Took two days off due to travel and the terrible weather. Sure, I could have put a rain run in but I think I did enough of that last weekend. It's recovery week, anyway. There's no real urgency to get any of these runs in.
Today I went pretty slow on all the uphills and the pace shows it. But, overall, I felt pretty good the whole way. My legs seem to be recovering nicely with minimal lingering issues from the race. It also helps that the temperatures have finally cooled down a bit.
Posted by
C.J. Schexnayder
Training Run
Wednesday, October 17, 2018
Training Run
Distance: 4 miles
Time: 37:02
Pace: 9:14 min/mi
Comments: After another day off I figured it was time to put in a regular training run. And this turned out to be the most perfect day for running that i have been able to experience since Spring. Absolutely gorgeous and delightful to be out in.
I ignored the watch the whole way but knew I was probably knocking it out a bit on the fast side. There were also a few hills that I simply ran rather than used a more conservative cadence. But it felt very smooth and natural so I decided to just enjoy it for once.
Time: 37:02
Pace: 9:14 min/mi
Comments: After another day off I figured it was time to put in a regular training run. And this turned out to be the most perfect day for running that i have been able to experience since Spring. Absolutely gorgeous and delightful to be out in.
I ignored the watch the whole way but knew I was probably knocking it out a bit on the fast side. There were also a few hills that I simply ran rather than used a more conservative cadence. But it felt very smooth and natural so I decided to just enjoy it for once.
Monday, October 15, 2018
Recovery Run
Distance: 2 miles
Time: 19:50
Pace: 9:54 min/mi
Comments: First run since the race. A very easy two mile effort with no hint of pressure. Just got started and ran easy, but quick enough to start working the muscles a bit. And I was happily surprised at how well my legs responded.
The weather is pretty much ideal right now. Cool and overcast with no wind to speak of. Ironic, since it's now in the 40s and thunderstorms at home. I'd prefer to avoid chilly/wet conditions for the time being, thank you very much.
So, I'll try to get another run in on Wednesday and, depending on that, figure out how to proceed with the rest of the recovery period.
Time: 19:50
Pace: 9:54 min/mi
Comments: First run since the race. A very easy two mile effort with no hint of pressure. Just got started and ran easy, but quick enough to start working the muscles a bit. And I was happily surprised at how well my legs responded.
The weather is pretty much ideal right now. Cool and overcast with no wind to speak of. Ironic, since it's now in the 40s and thunderstorms at home. I'd prefer to avoid chilly/wet conditions for the time being, thank you very much.
So, I'll try to get another run in on Wednesday and, depending on that, figure out how to proceed with the rest of the recovery period.
Sunday, October 14, 2018
Marathon Training Summary: Week 16
Distance: 30.57
Time: 4:36:47
Pace: 9:03 min/mi
Comments: The final taper week was an anxiety-filled delight. I got one run in an then had to battle a low-grade sinus infection. I felt like butt but not that absolutely awful of a full-on sinus infection-level butt. So I focused on lots of sleep, forcing fluids and not moving too much.
Over the course the week I made it a point to keep eating well and, on Thursday, I commenced with carbo-loading. I chose to use Maurten Drink Mix 160, downing eight packets over the course of the day. This follows a method a runner I know used for the Chicago Marathon the week prior. Did it work? Well, it certainly didn't hurt.
The race was rough. I will think about the details of the effort later. Bottom line is I hit my goals of 1) completing it 2) running the whole way and 3) sub-four hours. The brutal exhaustion at the end wasn't fun but, at least I know I left everything I had on the course.
Injury update: The right lower hamstring and upper Achilles tendon ached consistently over the course of the race, particularly after the halfway mark. I was really worried they might become something critical by the end but that never materialized. Still, while I ache all over now, they -- and my hips -- are the most sore in the post race.
Time: 4:36:47
Pace: 9:03 min/mi
Comments: The final taper week was an anxiety-filled delight. I got one run in an then had to battle a low-grade sinus infection. I felt like butt but not that absolutely awful of a full-on sinus infection-level butt. So I focused on lots of sleep, forcing fluids and not moving too much.
Over the course the week I made it a point to keep eating well and, on Thursday, I commenced with carbo-loading. I chose to use Maurten Drink Mix 160, downing eight packets over the course of the day. This follows a method a runner I know used for the Chicago Marathon the week prior. Did it work? Well, it certainly didn't hurt.
The race was rough. I will think about the details of the effort later. Bottom line is I hit my goals of 1) completing it 2) running the whole way and 3) sub-four hours. The brutal exhaustion at the end wasn't fun but, at least I know I left everything I had on the course.
Injury update: The right lower hamstring and upper Achilles tendon ached consistently over the course of the race, particularly after the halfway mark. I was really worried they might become something critical by the end but that never materialized. Still, while I ache all over now, they -- and my hips -- are the most sore in the post race.
Saturday, October 13, 2018
2018 Hartford Marathon
Distance: 26.2 miles
Chip Time: 3:56:26
Gun Time: 3:57:01
Pace: 9:01 min/mi
Comments: So the day finally arrived. After months of training that required hundreds of miles run, the race was upon me. And I felt completely miserable.
The head cold that had plagued me over the last week had not transformed to a full-on sinus infection but it was not making the start of race day any easier. And the forecast of clear weather that I had been promised at the start of the week transformed to one of constant rain with less than 48 hours to the start.
Still, the cold was "above the neck" which is the runner's threshold for racing sick. And the rain would make it miserable but the temperatures were very cool (mid to upper 40s) and no wind was expected. So I went out and did it.
The first 10K was a delight. I deliberately worked on moderating my pace with cadence and holding back as much as I could. But I still was knocking down crazy fast splits. Nothing was even close to 9:00/mi and a couple came within a breath of sub-8:00. But it was all cooler temperature and using downhills. I was running without looking at the Garmin and keeping breathing relaxed and easy.
At the halfway mark, I could definitely feel that the level of difficulty was about to get serious. This was the flat out-and-back portion of the course so I did start looking at the Garmin just to keep under 9:00/mi pace. As much as I wanted to try to negative split, I was realistic about what was about to happen.
I found myself starting to fade a little as I approached the turnaround at mile 17. The "out" portion turned out to have a long gradual uphill which proved to be a drag on my effort. I tried upping cadence on the return to make up a bit but, at this point, fatigue was really getting warmed up. At the 20-mile mark it settled in for real.
Miles 21 and 22 were a battle to keep my pacing up as much as I could in order to finish the out-and-back portion. It was clear that the fade was making itself comfortable wrecking my hard-earned consistency and eating away at my confidence. The last four miles were simply a matter of survival. I had to battle for every single step over this portion of the course and any incline took a severe toll.
A lot of better conditioned runners took me down through this part of the course which, even though I know better, was disheartening.
Crossing the Founders Bridge was pretty much the nightmare I had expected and I still had the last 3/4 of a mile to go. A real big shout out to the guy who had just finished and was back on the course, still draped in his mylar blanket, shouting "ALL OF YOU ARE SUB-FOUR MARATHONERS!" That encouragement got me through the ridiculously awful last section.
After I crossed the finish line I was completely wiped. I have rarely felt as exhaustively beaten after a race. I clutched the reflective blanket as tight as I could but I was shivering uncontrollably by the time I staggered back to the hotel. And every single step hurt as much as if I was still running the race.
But, I did it. I ran the whole course. And I hit my sub-four goal.
Chip Time: 3:56:26
Gun Time: 3:57:01
Pace: 9:01 min/mi
Comments: So the day finally arrived. After months of training that required hundreds of miles run, the race was upon me. And I felt completely miserable.
The head cold that had plagued me over the last week had not transformed to a full-on sinus infection but it was not making the start of race day any easier. And the forecast of clear weather that I had been promised at the start of the week transformed to one of constant rain with less than 48 hours to the start.
Still, the cold was "above the neck" which is the runner's threshold for racing sick. And the rain would make it miserable but the temperatures were very cool (mid to upper 40s) and no wind was expected. So I went out and did it.
The first 10K was a delight. I deliberately worked on moderating my pace with cadence and holding back as much as I could. But I still was knocking down crazy fast splits. Nothing was even close to 9:00/mi and a couple came within a breath of sub-8:00. But it was all cooler temperature and using downhills. I was running without looking at the Garmin and keeping breathing relaxed and easy.
At the halfway mark, I could definitely feel that the level of difficulty was about to get serious. This was the flat out-and-back portion of the course so I did start looking at the Garmin just to keep under 9:00/mi pace. As much as I wanted to try to negative split, I was realistic about what was about to happen.
I found myself starting to fade a little as I approached the turnaround at mile 17. The "out" portion turned out to have a long gradual uphill which proved to be a drag on my effort. I tried upping cadence on the return to make up a bit but, at this point, fatigue was really getting warmed up. At the 20-mile mark it settled in for real.
Miles 21 and 22 were a battle to keep my pacing up as much as I could in order to finish the out-and-back portion. It was clear that the fade was making itself comfortable wrecking my hard-earned consistency and eating away at my confidence. The last four miles were simply a matter of survival. I had to battle for every single step over this portion of the course and any incline took a severe toll.
A lot of better conditioned runners took me down through this part of the course which, even though I know better, was disheartening.
Crossing the Founders Bridge was pretty much the nightmare I had expected and I still had the last 3/4 of a mile to go. A real big shout out to the guy who had just finished and was back on the course, still draped in his mylar blanket, shouting "ALL OF YOU ARE SUB-FOUR MARATHONERS!" That encouragement got me through the ridiculously awful last section.
After I crossed the finish line I was completely wiped. I have rarely felt as exhaustively beaten after a race. I clutched the reflective blanket as tight as I could but I was shivering uncontrollably by the time I staggered back to the hotel. And every single step hurt as much as if I was still running the race.
But, I did it. I ran the whole course. And I hit my sub-four goal.
Monday, October 8, 2018
Training Run
Distance: 4.03 miles
Time: 38:41
Pace: 9:36 min/mi
Comments: This is the first of two "regular" runs this week just to keep myself ready. Ate a TON of carbs over the weekend and could really feel the energy payoff today. I spent most of this run tapping the brakes to keep from going over race pace.
The heat is going to stay stupid until I leave for Connecticut. Which, is part of what I planned, I guess. It would be nice to get a chilly morning to prime for raceday but now I'm being nitpicky.
Time: 38:41
Pace: 9:36 min/mi
Comments: This is the first of two "regular" runs this week just to keep myself ready. Ate a TON of carbs over the weekend and could really feel the energy payoff today. I spent most of this run tapping the brakes to keep from going over race pace.
The heat is going to stay stupid until I leave for Connecticut. Which, is part of what I planned, I guess. It would be nice to get a chilly morning to prime for raceday but now I'm being nitpicky.
Posted by
C.J. Schexnayder
Training Run
Sunday, October 7, 2018
Marathon Training Summary: Week 15
Distance: 16.02 miles
Time: 2:31:27
Pace: 9:27 min/mi
Comments: Taper week. But I still slacked off a bit more than proscribed. Skipped the "long run" because I was feeling blah and the weather/events conspired against me. Still, I don't really think it will have an enormous impact given the quality of miles I have over the last three months.
Now it's race week. I have a couple of runs planned but nothing fast or intense at all. I've got carb loading to do. I've decided at the last minute to do something a little different. Hopefully, it goes as planned.
Mostly this week is a matter of packing and watching the weather forecast with trepidation.
Injury update: Nada
Time: 2:31:27
Pace: 9:27 min/mi
Comments: Taper week. But I still slacked off a bit more than proscribed. Skipped the "long run" because I was feeling blah and the weather/events conspired against me. Still, I don't really think it will have an enormous impact given the quality of miles I have over the last three months.
Now it's race week. I have a couple of runs planned but nothing fast or intense at all. I've got carb loading to do. I've decided at the last minute to do something a little different. Hopefully, it goes as planned.
Mostly this week is a matter of packing and watching the weather forecast with trepidation.
Injury update: Nada
Friday, October 5, 2018
Training Run

Time: 38:42
Pace: 9:40 min/mi
Comments: Another day closer to the big day. Another basic run with no frills whatsoever. Out a touch earlier and, subsequently, the heat and humidity was a touch better. But it was still sweltering and uncomfortable.
No goal for this one. Just started as smooth as I could muster and tried to ride it the whole way. Did a little focus on posture and leg placement but, to be honest, I let my mind wander a lot for once.
Tomorrow is the last "long" run before the race. Then it's all about carbs and resting up.
Thursday, October 4, 2018
Training Run
Distance: 4 miles
Time: 37:03
Pace: 9:15 min/mi
Comments: Waited until it was a tad on the warm side again. This reverse aclimitization better work, dammit. Still, this run went incredibly well. The additional rest is really making a difference.
The only real goal today was a test run of my raceday outfit and first mile pacing. I wanted to see how comfortable I was ramping up to race pace from a cold start. It wasn't overly taxing or even that difficult. After that I just kind of cruised the rest of the way.
Time: 37:03
Pace: 9:15 min/mi
Comments: Waited until it was a tad on the warm side again. This reverse aclimitization better work, dammit. Still, this run went incredibly well. The additional rest is really making a difference.
The only real goal today was a test run of my raceday outfit and first mile pacing. I wanted to see how comfortable I was ramping up to race pace from a cold start. It wasn't overly taxing or even that difficult. After that I just kind of cruised the rest of the way.
Tuesday, October 2, 2018
Training Run
Distance: 4 miles
Time: 36:40
Pace: 9:10 min/mi
Comments: Not a bad effort but I'm ready for a day off. The two runs after the intense long run were a bit more of a challenge than I expected. Of course, I also could have run them when it was less hot and without sunlight but I figure the adversity will help on raceday.
Still feel a little stiff, particularly in the right leg but no real aches to speak of. I have been uneven in terms of quality sleep but that, and good diet, are the priority over the next two weeks. I'm also doing some of the raceday homework I have been putting off.
Time: 36:40
Pace: 9:10 min/mi
Comments: Not a bad effort but I'm ready for a day off. The two runs after the intense long run were a bit more of a challenge than I expected. Of course, I also could have run them when it was less hot and without sunlight but I figure the adversity will help on raceday.
Still feel a little stiff, particularly in the right leg but no real aches to speak of. I have been uneven in terms of quality sleep but that, and good diet, are the priority over the next two weeks. I'm also doing some of the raceday homework I have been putting off.
Monday, October 1, 2018
Recovery Run
Distance: 4 miles
Time: 39:01
Pace: 9:45 min/mi
Comments: Out later so had to contend with the heat/humidity. It was uncomfortable but, since this was a very easy effort, I figured it would contribute to the acclimatization strategy. So even though that made things a bit of a slog, I still spent a lot of this run easing up on the pace.
I did the first half a little faster than I was planning but got the effort closer to what I wanted on the second half. I really need to get the 10 min/mi pace dialed in prior to the race. I want to have a solid higher gear I can depend on if need be.
Time: 39:01
Pace: 9:45 min/mi
Comments: Out later so had to contend with the heat/humidity. It was uncomfortable but, since this was a very easy effort, I figured it would contribute to the acclimatization strategy. So even though that made things a bit of a slog, I still spent a lot of this run easing up on the pace.
I did the first half a little faster than I was planning but got the effort closer to what I wanted on the second half. I really need to get the 10 min/mi pace dialed in prior to the race. I want to have a solid higher gear I can depend on if need be.
Posted by
C.J. Schexnayder
recovery run
Santa Fe Trestle Trail, Dallas, TX, USA
Sunday, September 30, 2018
Marathon Training Summary: Week 14
Distance: 30.06
Time: 4:34:22
Pace: 9:08 min/mi
Comments: First week of the taper down. I ended up taking an extra rest day on Saturday because I felt really dragged down. That worked out well, though, with the strong pace effort on the Sunday long run. I've shifted the runs around next week to give another four-day run of workouts before the next off day.
I'm feeling like the strength to complete the race is there and the stamina is in the ballpark of hitting the four-hour goal. The latter is going to be a near thing though. I'll have to be very careful on the first half of the race to make it work. I need to sit down and do a little research to be ready for what the course throws at me.
Injury update: There has been tightness and various muscle aches in my upper right leg for awhile. None of it has blossomed into anything severe, but I don't want any surprises now I am in the home stretch.
Time: 4:34:22
Pace: 9:08 min/mi
Comments: First week of the taper down. I ended up taking an extra rest day on Saturday because I felt really dragged down. That worked out well, though, with the strong pace effort on the Sunday long run. I've shifted the runs around next week to give another four-day run of workouts before the next off day.
I'm feeling like the strength to complete the race is there and the stamina is in the ballpark of hitting the four-hour goal. The latter is going to be a near thing though. I'll have to be very careful on the first half of the race to make it work. I need to sit down and do a little research to be ready for what the course throws at me.
Injury update: There has been tightness and various muscle aches in my upper right leg for awhile. None of it has blossomed into anything severe, but I don't want any surprises now I am in the home stretch.
Long Run
Distance: 12.03 miles
Time: 1:46:52
Pace: 8:53 min/mi
Comments: Last long run for this marathon preparation. The goal today was to get 10 miles at race pace, allowing two miles at a minute slower for warm up/hills. Needless to say, I didn't need the wiggle room.
I really wasn't mentally into this one getting going. Felt kind of 'blah' and unmotivated. But, after the first half mile or so I started focusing on upping the cadence to handle the early hills and hit a very strong groove. After that, I worked on keeping focused and not dropping off from fatigue.
As promising as this effort is, my heart rate was pushing it for a large portion of this effort. Which makes it really unclear if I can sustain this kind of effort over the full marathon. So I need to do some research and have a gameplan ready come raceday.
Time: 1:46:52
Pace: 8:53 min/mi
Comments: Last long run for this marathon preparation. The goal today was to get 10 miles at race pace, allowing two miles at a minute slower for warm up/hills. Needless to say, I didn't need the wiggle room.
I really wasn't mentally into this one getting going. Felt kind of 'blah' and unmotivated. But, after the first half mile or so I started focusing on upping the cadence to handle the early hills and hit a very strong groove. After that, I worked on keeping focused and not dropping off from fatigue.
As promising as this effort is, my heart rate was pushing it for a large portion of this effort. Which makes it really unclear if I can sustain this kind of effort over the full marathon. So I need to do some research and have a gameplan ready come raceday.
Friday, September 28, 2018
Training Run
Distance: 4 miles
Time: 37:23
Pace: 9:20 min/mi
Comments: I've really been undecided about how to wrap up this week. I don't need another long run effort but some distance is required. I also am interested in a bit of pacing with it as well. The first result was deciding to put a run in today but keep it a regular one.
So I did the four mile course near the house with the hills. Things were a touch warmer but a lot more humid, which may be close to what I need to expect on raceday. The real focus here was pacing on the hills which I have woefully neglected thus far.
Time: 37:23
Pace: 9:20 min/mi
Comments: I've really been undecided about how to wrap up this week. I don't need another long run effort but some distance is required. I also am interested in a bit of pacing with it as well. The first result was deciding to put a run in today but keep it a regular one.
So I did the four mile course near the house with the hills. Things were a touch warmer but a lot more humid, which may be close to what I need to expect on raceday. The real focus here was pacing on the hills which I have woefully neglected thus far.
Posted by
C.J. Schexnayder
Training Run
Thursday, September 27, 2018
Training Run
Distance: 6 miles
Time: 56:24
Pace: 9:23 min/mi
Comments: After going back and forth about it in my head, I decided to nix the interval workout and go for six miles at training pace. The cool front left it very nice this morning although I did drag my feet getting out the door. Still, this is the coolest I've done a run in a while.
Like yesterday, I felt really sluggish and slow getting going but, it turned out, I was actually cranking a solid pace. Too fast, really. I spent a lot of the first half of the run applying the brakes. I felt a little better with the pace on the second half but still could have opened it up with ease.
Time: 56:24
Pace: 9:23 min/mi
Comments: After going back and forth about it in my head, I decided to nix the interval workout and go for six miles at training pace. The cool front left it very nice this morning although I did drag my feet getting out the door. Still, this is the coolest I've done a run in a while.
Like yesterday, I felt really sluggish and slow getting going but, it turned out, I was actually cranking a solid pace. Too fast, really. I spent a lot of the first half of the run applying the brakes. I felt a little better with the pace on the second half but still could have opened it up with ease.
Wednesday, September 26, 2018
Training Run
Distance: 4 miles
Time: 35:06
Pace: 8:46 min/mi
Comments: The cold front eased through today bringing rain again. I put off the run till the afternoon when the moisture had moved through and temperatures were significantly more reasonable. Bit of wind to contend with though.
So I planned on just doing an easy run for this one, maybe long run pace. I felt really sluggish starting out and it didn't really lift much as I passed the "warm up" period. Which was weird because I was hitting pace run speed.
I'm guessing this is the more temperate weather payoff. That will likely get tested again tomorrow.
Time: 35:06
Pace: 8:46 min/mi
Comments: The cold front eased through today bringing rain again. I put off the run till the afternoon when the moisture had moved through and temperatures were significantly more reasonable. Bit of wind to contend with though.
So I planned on just doing an easy run for this one, maybe long run pace. I felt really sluggish starting out and it didn't really lift much as I passed the "warm up" period. Which was weird because I was hitting pace run speed.
I'm guessing this is the more temperate weather payoff. That will likely get tested again tomorrow.
Tuesday, September 25, 2018
Recovery Run
Distance: 4 miles
Time: 38:37
Pace: 9:39 min/mi
Comments: Lotta weirdness this morning so I didn't get out at the usual time. Instead it was a late morning run which meant heat, humidity and hills. None of which was particularly pleasant but probably good to endure in case things turn out like that on raceday.
My legs felt remarkably fresh for having run 20 miles on Sunday. There was some stiffness but nothing that really affected my ability to get this one done. In fact, I probably turned this effort in a little on the fast side.
Time: 38:37
Pace: 9:39 min/mi
Comments: Lotta weirdness this morning so I didn't get out at the usual time. Instead it was a late morning run which meant heat, humidity and hills. None of which was particularly pleasant but probably good to endure in case things turn out like that on raceday.
My legs felt remarkably fresh for having run 20 miles on Sunday. There was some stiffness but nothing that really affected my ability to get this one done. In fact, I probably turned this effort in a little on the fast side.
Posted by
C.J. Schexnayder
recovery run
Sunday, September 23, 2018
Marathon Training Summary: Week 13
Distance: 43:43
Time: 7:03:48
Pace: 9:45 min/mi
Comments: That's it for peak week. At the end of it, peak week turned out slightly shorter than week before last. But when you compare 20 mile long runs, I had a far better performance this week. Not just faster but much more in control the whole way. That's partly due to more agreeable temperatures but it's also a bit of training.
Now beginith the taper. Next week will be a lot like the week before last. Biggest difference is a longer pace run on Saturday before a more reasonable long run next Sunday. I might add an extra off day depending on how I feel.
Injury update: My right knee, quad and IT band have been achy this week. Nothing major but sore and unhappy. If it keeps up into next week I'll start regular icing.
Time: 7:03:48
Pace: 9:45 min/mi
Comments: That's it for peak week. At the end of it, peak week turned out slightly shorter than week before last. But when you compare 20 mile long runs, I had a far better performance this week. Not just faster but much more in control the whole way. That's partly due to more agreeable temperatures but it's also a bit of training.
Now beginith the taper. Next week will be a lot like the week before last. Biggest difference is a longer pace run on Saturday before a more reasonable long run next Sunday. I might add an extra off day depending on how I feel.
Injury update: My right knee, quad and IT band have been achy this week. Nothing major but sore and unhappy. If it keeps up into next week I'll start regular icing.
Long Run
Distance: 20.04 miles
Time: 3:17:25
Pace: 9:51 min/mi
Comments: After a not insignificant amount of anxiety regarding this run, I was astonished how well it actually went. With the flooding this weekend, I wasn't sure if parts of the course would be underwater but it turned out OK. A bit of debris to dodge but nothing major.
The big upside was a break in the temperatures. This run was a good ten degrees cooler than my last one at this distance. Still humid as the bejesus but that wasn't as oppressive with the break in the heat.
I did the first ten miles an hour and 45 minutes then cranked out the second fifteen minutes faster. According to the Garmin, I set a half marathon PR, meaning I did 13.1 miles somewhere in there faster than both my races this spring.
If nothing else, this was a big confidence builder. I feel pretty good about my chances of finishing the race next month. Still not taking bets on getting under four hours, though.
Time: 3:17:25
Pace: 9:51 min/mi
Comments: After a not insignificant amount of anxiety regarding this run, I was astonished how well it actually went. With the flooding this weekend, I wasn't sure if parts of the course would be underwater but it turned out OK. A bit of debris to dodge but nothing major.
The big upside was a break in the temperatures. This run was a good ten degrees cooler than my last one at this distance. Still humid as the bejesus but that wasn't as oppressive with the break in the heat.
I did the first ten miles an hour and 45 minutes then cranked out the second fifteen minutes faster. According to the Garmin, I set a half marathon PR, meaning I did 13.1 miles somewhere in there faster than both my races this spring.
If nothing else, this was a big confidence builder. I feel pretty good about my chances of finishing the race next month. Still not taking bets on getting under four hours, though.
Saturday, September 22, 2018
Training Run
Distance: 4 miles
Time: 35:30
Pace: 8:52 min/mi
Comments: The plan was to hit the Skyline Trail for six miles at pace. Torrential rains made that impossible as the river was flooded levee to levee. It also nixed a morning effort. But I wanted to have something done before kickoff this afternoon.
I got out just after noon and put in a four mile training run. Went a reasonably fast pace but the real kicker was hills. There was just over 200 feet of climb that took 15% of the effort. Not particularly pleasant but probably not a bad idea to get used to as the marathon course has a few.
Time: 35:30
Pace: 8:52 min/mi
Comments: The plan was to hit the Skyline Trail for six miles at pace. Torrential rains made that impossible as the river was flooded levee to levee. It also nixed a morning effort. But I wanted to have something done before kickoff this afternoon.
I got out just after noon and put in a four mile training run. Went a reasonably fast pace but the real kicker was hills. There was just over 200 feet of climb that took 15% of the effort. Not particularly pleasant but probably not a bad idea to get used to as the marathon course has a few.
Posted by
C.J. Schexnayder
Training Run
Friday, September 21, 2018
Training Run
Distance: 4 miles
Time: 36:56
Pace: 9:13 min/mi
Comments: Rains are moving in and their special little present is the most godawful humidity in a very humid day. Due to various circumstances I didn't get out super early so I gave myself an extra degree or two of hell. Fun times.
This was a slog from start to finish. No style points whatsoever. That said, I was pretty damn consistent in terms of my pacing, particularly on the second half of the effort. I probably should have done this a little slower but I really wanted the thing to just be over with.
Time: 36:56
Pace: 9:13 min/mi
Comments: Rains are moving in and their special little present is the most godawful humidity in a very humid day. Due to various circumstances I didn't get out super early so I gave myself an extra degree or two of hell. Fun times.
This was a slog from start to finish. No style points whatsoever. That said, I was pretty damn consistent in terms of my pacing, particularly on the second half of the effort. I probably should have done this a little slower but I really wanted the thing to just be over with.
Thursday, September 20, 2018
Interval Run
Distance: 5.36 miles
Time: 55:05
Pace: n/a
Comments: Since I nixed the fourth mile last week I decided to just stick to that regimen this week and next. So this worked out to six half-mile intervals with two minute rests in between plus the requisite .75 mile warmup and cool down.
The heat and humidity are still holding strong and making my running life miserable. There is supposed to be a change in the next few days but that means a good possibility of rain runs. For now, another sweaty mess of an effort.
Bottom line, I'm not doing these any faster. I'm trying to improve on cadence and mental focus but the fatigue of all the recent miles and the weather are making it unrealistic.
Time: 55:05
Pace: n/a
Comments: Since I nixed the fourth mile last week I decided to just stick to that regimen this week and next. So this worked out to six half-mile intervals with two minute rests in between plus the requisite .75 mile warmup and cool down.
The heat and humidity are still holding strong and making my running life miserable. There is supposed to be a change in the next few days but that means a good possibility of rain runs. For now, another sweaty mess of an effort.
1 | 0.5 | 3:57 |
2 | 0.5 | 3:24 |
3 | 0.5 | 3:34 |
4 | 0.5 | 3:26 |
5 | 0.5 | 3:28 |
6 | 0.5 | 3:33 |
Bottom line, I'm not doing these any faster. I'm trying to improve on cadence and mental focus but the fatigue of all the recent miles and the weather are making it unrealistic.
Wednesday, September 19, 2018
Training Run
Distance: 6 miles
Time: 55:56
Pace: 9:19 min/mi
Comments: This went a lot smoother than than yesterday's recovery run but the heat and, especially, the humidity really took their toll. I felt pretty strong the whole way but my splits were pretty much all over the place. Not pretty.
The real goal was a solid effort after the struggle yesterday and this certainly fit that bill. I'll attempt the interval workout tomorrow but the weatherman says the conditions will still suck for that. North Texas has no respect for my Peak Week.
Time: 55:56
Pace: 9:19 min/mi
Comments: This went a lot smoother than than yesterday's recovery run but the heat and, especially, the humidity really took their toll. I felt pretty strong the whole way but my splits were pretty much all over the place. Not pretty.
The real goal was a solid effort after the struggle yesterday and this certainly fit that bill. I'll attempt the interval workout tomorrow but the weatherman says the conditions will still suck for that. North Texas has no respect for my Peak Week.
Posted by
C.J. Schexnayder
Training Run
Santa Fe Trestle Trail, Dallas, TX, USA
Tuesday, September 18, 2018
Recovery Run
Distance: 4 miles
Time: 42:57
Pace: 10:43 min/mi
Comments: Typically I have to concentrate in order to keep my speed down on recovery runs. That wasn't a problem today. I really had a tough time trying to keep anything under 11 min/mi the whole way. Not an issue I've dealt with since early in the year.
I've noticed recovery runs are more of a struggle now they follow my only off day each week. But this was noticeably worse. Some of this is attributable to the big miles in recent weeks and as well as a bit of slippage in terms of moderation this weekend. But I've fueled well and gotten decent amounts of sleep. We'll see if it persists.
Time: 42:57
Pace: 10:43 min/mi
Comments: Typically I have to concentrate in order to keep my speed down on recovery runs. That wasn't a problem today. I really had a tough time trying to keep anything under 11 min/mi the whole way. Not an issue I've dealt with since early in the year.
I've noticed recovery runs are more of a struggle now they follow my only off day each week. But this was noticeably worse. Some of this is attributable to the big miles in recent weeks and as well as a bit of slippage in terms of moderation this weekend. But I've fueled well and gotten decent amounts of sleep. We'll see if it persists.
Sunday, September 16, 2018
Marathon Training Summary: Week 12
Distance: 35.31 miles
Time: 5:37:23
Pace: 9:33 min/mi
Comments: A little bit of a pull-back week from the previous seven days. This made even more sense after the extra work and fatigue due to the move. This week had a ton of scheduling issues that complicated running efforts but now everything is done and I hope to be able to focus on my performance in each workout much better.
I had a rough time the first runs of the week due to the lingering soreness from the 20 miler and the formidable humidity that has arrived in the area. The soreness has pretty much disappeared but the humidity shows no sign of relenting any time soon.
Next up is Peak Week with a lot of miles topped with the second 20 miler. I'm reserving the right to ease up on some of the mid-week workouts if the distance starts to make itself felt but I'd like to get everything I planned if at all possible.
Injury update: Regular aches and soreness but no major issues.
Time: 5:37:23
Pace: 9:33 min/mi
Comments: A little bit of a pull-back week from the previous seven days. This made even more sense after the extra work and fatigue due to the move. This week had a ton of scheduling issues that complicated running efforts but now everything is done and I hope to be able to focus on my performance in each workout much better.
I had a rough time the first runs of the week due to the lingering soreness from the 20 miler and the formidable humidity that has arrived in the area. The soreness has pretty much disappeared but the humidity shows no sign of relenting any time soon.
Next up is Peak Week with a lot of miles topped with the second 20 miler. I'm reserving the right to ease up on some of the mid-week workouts if the distance starts to make itself felt but I'd like to get everything I planned if at all possible.
Injury update: Regular aches and soreness but no major issues.
Long Run
Distance: 12 miles
Time: 1:58:17
Pace: 9:51 min/mi
Comments: A shorter long run nestled between a pair of twenty milers. With the relatively manageable 12 miles on tap, a big goal for me was to address the pacing. I wanted to accomplish two things; negative splits and increasing pace each mile of the second half.
It was a little later start today so I got the big dose of humid at the start and a heaping helping of sun for the bulk of the rest of the effort. That said, the conditions had much less of an effect on my performance than I expected it would.
I pretty much nailed my goals on the dot. I increased my pace each two miles of the second half of the run and accomplished it almost entirely by focusing on cadence. This is the kind of control I was hoping to develop over the course of the training.
Time: 1:58:17
Pace: 9:51 min/mi
Comments: A shorter long run nestled between a pair of twenty milers. With the relatively manageable 12 miles on tap, a big goal for me was to address the pacing. I wanted to accomplish two things; negative splits and increasing pace each mile of the second half.
It was a little later start today so I got the big dose of humid at the start and a heaping helping of sun for the bulk of the rest of the effort. That said, the conditions had much less of an effect on my performance than I expected it would.
I pretty much nailed my goals on the dot. I increased my pace each two miles of the second half of the run and accomplished it almost entirely by focusing on cadence. This is the kind of control I was hoping to develop over the course of the training.
Saturday, September 15, 2018
Pace Run
Distance: 4 miles
Time: 34:26
Pace: 8:36 min/mi
Comments: Finally a sunny morning. I probably should have gotten out earlier because the humidity was still brutally oppressive, but it wasn't unendurable for once. It was enough that I decided to trim the planned six miler to the regular four out of an abundance of caution.
Pretty much just focused on cadence today. Short steps. Quick turnover. Wasn't obsessed with forcing the pace, just consistency of effort. The splits reflected that pretty well. The relatively measured heart rate was also a good sign.
Time: 34:26
Pace: 8:36 min/mi
Comments: Finally a sunny morning. I probably should have gotten out earlier because the humidity was still brutally oppressive, but it wasn't unendurable for once. It was enough that I decided to trim the planned six miler to the regular four out of an abundance of caution.
Pretty much just focused on cadence today. Short steps. Quick turnover. Wasn't obsessed with forcing the pace, just consistency of effort. The splits reflected that pretty well. The relatively measured heart rate was also a good sign.
Friday, September 14, 2018
Training Run
Distance: 4 miles
Time: 38:31
Pace: 9:37 min/mi
Comments: Up on time and running just a little later than I wanted. Temperatures are much better but the humidity is just absurd. I'm ready for a cool spell like you wouldn't believe.
This started OK but turned into a grind pretty quick. My splits were all over the place and my heart rate wasn't much better. I was working way too hard for what I was getting out of my legs today.
Right now I'm chalking it up to the humidity and fatigue but I need it to get better pretty quick.
Time: 38:31
Pace: 9:37 min/mi
Comments: Up on time and running just a little later than I wanted. Temperatures are much better but the humidity is just absurd. I'm ready for a cool spell like you wouldn't believe.
This started OK but turned into a grind pretty quick. My splits were all over the place and my heart rate wasn't much better. I was working way too hard for what I was getting out of my legs today.
Right now I'm chalking it up to the humidity and fatigue but I need it to get better pretty quick.
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